The Health Benefits of Professional Air Duct Cleaning During COVID-19

Christian • July 9, 2021


There’s no question about it, COVID-19 has altered the way everyone does life in the world today. People everywhere are doubling their efforts to help reduce the spread – taking care to keep our hands washed, distancing when we’re able, and regular cleaning and disinfecting at our places of work and at home. Air duct cleaning is one more facet to consider.



With all the extra attention on cleanliness, residential duct cleaning is a critical part of the equation that can’t be ignored. It’s the respiratory system of our home, capable of spreading dust, germs, allergens, and, yes, other airborne pathogens. Read on to learn more about how air duct cleaning services can help fight the spread of COVID-19.


Duct Cleaning Can Prevent Dust, Allergens, And Other Airborne Pathogens

While there has been no substantive nor quantified proof that air duct cleaning will reduce the chances of contracting COVID-19, it has been shown to greatly improve the quality of the air inside your home. Air ducts, unfortunately, get forgotten being an out-of-site system. But when duct cleaning gets put off, over time dirt, grime, and other allergens will build up inside air ducts. In time, all this ends up recirculating throughout your home degrading its air quality. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that research has linked air pollutants to a variety of diseases and other health problems. Some health problems impacted by dirty ducts include:

  • Aggravated Allergies. Especially during allergy season, pollen and dirt will build up in your air ducts. Without clean ducts, all this will recirculate through your home causing allergy complications to last far longer.
  • Respiratory Issues. Those with asthma, lung disease, or other breathing problems, young or old, will have far more difficulty breathing when indoor air quality is low. 
  • Escalated Autoimmune Disorders . Poor air quality can exacerbate symptoms of persons that struggle with autoimmune disorders.
  • Fatigue. If you’re already not feeling well, sleeping becomes more difficult. Poor air quality often worsens illnesses and can magnifying poor quality sleep.
  • Sore Throat. If you’re HVAC is underperforming, mold and mildew can build up in your duct system and dirty ducts can contribute to itchy, irritated sore throats. 

The many health benefits of residential duct cleaning will make you glad you made an appointment for air duct cleaning services. Benefits including:

  • Fewer asthma attacks, especially during allergy season
  • Improved breathing
  • Fewer unexplained illnesses
  • Reduced sneezing, coughing, and itchy eyes
  • Improved protection for those with respiratory problems and lung disease

Understanding Disease Transmission and Your HVAC System

When an illness, such as COVID-19, is spread through droplets in the air, it’s important to consider your HVAC system and its role in transmission of the disease. While it can contribute to transmission, it can also be used as a control strategy through means such as air duct cleaning. 

According to the CDC regarding COVID-19, transmission takes place between people in close contact of each other through respiratory droplets. When a person sneezes or coughs, micro-droplets are created that can end up in the HVAC system and ultimately get distributed throughout the home. The exact lifespan of COVID-19 outside of the body remains unclear according to several medical professionals, though some studies have suggested it can remain on surfaces and in aerosols for up to several days. 

Professional air duct cleaning services, such as Precise Duct Cleaning, understand how critical it is to keep your air ducts cleaned, especially air duct cleaning during COVID-19 uncertainties. They are trained and experienced, with the right tools and equipment to clean, disinfect, and help reduce the risk of illness caused by airborne diseases. Duct cleaning improves air quality and thereby helping families stay healthier.

How Are Professional Air Duct Cleaning Companies Finding a Solution?

At Precise Duct Cleaning, our many years of professional air duct cleaning has given us the skill and experience needed to fully understand how air duct systems impact the entire household. Airborne particles can be distributed via your air duct system throughout your home increasing exposure. Precise Duct Cleaning has the solutions you need to thoroughly clean and disinfect your air duct systems. Contact us for a free estimate. Our technicians will evaluate your system to determine the best residential duct cleaning solution for your home. Our professional air duct cleaning services will leave your home with healthier, cleaner air. 

A Healthy Home = A Happy Home! Contact Precise Duct Cleaning Today!


Contact the professionals at Precise Duct Cleaning and schedule a free estimate today. Call (816) 200-1279. With Precise Duct Cleaning, you and your family will breathe easier and stay healthier!


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