When You Should Clean Your Ducts For Air Quality – AKA: Down The Dust Bunny Trail

August 5, 2022

Spring and Summer are thought of as allergy season but allergens can occur all year around. Common culprits include dust, dander and debris particles and after them follows sneezing, coughing and other signs that these sneaky invaders have found their way into your work and home environments.


You fight back with deep cleaning, daily cleaning, diffusers and more. We might even treat the symptoms with histamine fighting medicines but there is an often-overlooked hiding place to take your air quality to the next level. Your Air ducts !


So, when you notice all these signs creeping more and more into your everyday it’s a sign that you need an air duct cleaning service. Call Precise Duct Cleaning so we can help diagnose the problem and outline solutions to bring your air back into the free and clear!

As the heart of your home your air ducts bring in air and can pick up dust, pollen, mold spores and other particles that build up in layers, reducing air flow and air quality.

Breathe easier with our handy guide below to help you on your journey to cleaner air!

Do You Know When Your Ducts Are Gasping For a Cleaning?

Like a movie trailer your air ducts will foreshadow their need for cleaning. 

If you start to notice grime in the corners of your vents, more sneezing than average and more frequent need to dust surfaces then it’s certainly just a hint of what’s in your ducts. Like most cleaning needs, the longer you wait the worse it’s going to get as layers of debris and dust clutter up your air ducts and hang about in your air.  Whether you are looking for a residential HVAC air duct cleaning or a commercial air duct cleaning, Precise Duct Cleaners can help.

They didn’t even right the bell! You didn’t invite the dust and debris in.

It’s not you, it’s all of us. 

Unlike your windows and doors, part of your air conditioning and heating systems job is to bring in air from the outside to cool and heat your home. Filtration In these systems are multi-layered and work hard to reduce these particles but there is no way to completely preventing any of these infiltrators from getting into your air and air ducts. They’re even harder to prevent when your system doesn’t have regular duct cleanings. 

If you also share your space with animal companions that have fur or feathers there is a sneaky hidden allergen, dander. Humans shed dander as well. This becomes the feed for dust mites, nearly invisible little vermin that in turn, is the primary airborne allergy caused by pets. Other particles shed by pets can also be transmitted in the air and trapped in air ducts and cause allergic reactions. This creates a cycle of debris coming out of your air vents and dust in the air ducts.

What We Know About The Fungus Among Us; Mold in your Ducts & Vents

Your air conditioning system has the odds stacked against it when it comes to humidity and moisture getting into your duct system. We often feel the heat more when it’s humid outside and then the cooling process turns that into unseen water vapor that travels through your ventilation system. 

As the moisture meets the other allergens it creates ideal conditions for mold to bloom inside your ducts. The different allergens combine with the moisture to create varied colonies and the more colonies that expand and feed off the other organic particles in your air ducts you will notice a persistent ‘stale’ or musty odor that you are tempted to cover up with diffusers and chemicals adding another layer of possible allergens.

The hot take? Dirty air ducts cause health problems! Inhaling mold particles can cause serious health hazards as well as being unpleasant to live, work, play and sleep in. These can be rather immediate symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, water eyes and lead to long-term complications including but not limited to the possibility of lowered ability to fight respiratory infections down the road.

Optimizing Your Air Quality – What You Should Consider:

The base recommendation is to have your air ducts in your home or business cleaned every 3-5 years but there is no absolute one-size-fits-all because just as each person is unique, each building has its own considerations. 

Whether you have additional health considerations or your wok, craft or hobby has elements that increase the potential allergens in the air or live in an area with additional environmental concerns you will get your best results by consulting a professional providing air duct cleaning services to set up a schedule and services that helps you breathe easier, every day. 

Precise Duct Cleaning has experts on staff to help plan out your duct maintenance and cleaning needs to reduce the risks of issues from dust and debris particles to your friends and family.

Let us help you solve all of your air duct cleaning needs!

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